Silent hill Walkthrough
This guide has been written from scratch by me, Deschain. Do what you please with it, but please do not claim as your own work. Also, do not just use this to get through the game without thinking for yourself. Silent Hill is meant to be experienced. This guide is for people who are really confused. Silent Hill and images on this page are copyright by Konami. Thank you and see you in hell. (Otherwise known as Silent Hill.)
Frequently Asked Questions
T. How to solve the piano puzzle?
A. For the key is 3, 10, 11, 8, 2. Make sure you count the black keys.
T. How do I save Cybil?
A. To save Cybil you should get a bottle from the hospital kitchen and use it to gather this red fluid in the Director of the Office. FIRST you have to do it when you to the hospital. (Right after school). Then when you fight Cybil on Merry-go-round, you can run around until he's out of ammo or go after right now. Either way, get the right side and use the red liquid. Harry would throw it in his face and voila!.
T. How do I save Kaufmann?
A. To save Kaufmann, go to Annie's Grill after you exit the sewers. Use the map to that location. You should also follow the instructions left by Kaufmann to open a motorcycle in the garage of the motel.
T. Can I save Lisa?
A. As far as I know, there is NO way to save Lisa.
T. What should be done in space with symbols and buttons?
A. To solve the Zodiac Puzzle, enter the amount of complement (arms and legs) symbol has been to the panel number.
T. What should I do at the altar?
A. Use the camera flash on the image on both sides of the aisle to reveal the form. Use the buttons on the door to mimic these forms and open the door.
There is violence and disturbing images in this game.
Harry Mason slowly regained consciousness. This winter her first thought. Suddenly she remembered Cheryl and turned to find an empty passenger seat. Panic threatened to follow shortly, but he slowly calmed down. He probably just went to get help, he thought. Jesus, it's snowing! he realized. Okay, this is getting weird. I better find Cheryl. Stepping out of the car he suddenly realized how quiet everything ....
This is where the game begins.you can check your car is damaged to a health drink, then head to the road until you see something in the fog.
Suddenly, Harry saw a remarkable figure in the fog. Cheryl! Is that Cheryl? Without warning, the little girl across the street and into an alley.
Just follow the girl gang and opened the gate. Notice the mess just in? Keep toward the alley. Slowly turns dark.
Why so quickly changed the dark? Harry wondered. Looking at his pocket, he pulled out a match and lit one. In the distance he heard the siren sound ominous. What happened here? His mind raced. A wheelchair lay piled in the corner. Harry grew more desperate. He began to walk quickly, then started to run. A gurney sits in the middle aisle. This is crazy! he thought. He realizes he's stepped in a puddle of blood. Then turned he saw something hanging on the fence ...
body is hung on the fence with barbed wire. After inspecting it, three small figure emerged from the darkness. There's not much you can do. The path you came from is blocked by the fence. Let the little bastards just kill you.
Once again Harry sinks into the subconscious world ...
You wake up in a small restaurant with a young cop watching you. After you have asked what happened he tells you that he does not know and now the game really begins. Cybil gives his gun and went for reinforcements.
Okay first things first. Take a health drink, maps, flashlights, knives, and anything you see. When you try to go, the radio in the corner to go berserk, then the flying creature bursts through the window. Do not give them a chance, just piss almighty explosion from radio to fall silent. Now, take the radio and go.
Jump to the right as you leave the cafe two boxes of bullets for your convenience. If you are to the left to Queen Burger (do not forget to check your map to these locations), you'll find a health drink on the windowsill, then flew another beastie came in the corner. Shoot or run, but your call. Now, to the convenience store. Inside you'll find some health drinks, first aid kids, and save points. Once you've finished, go back to the alley where you (dead?) Are looking for Cheryl. Beware of the dog and the bastards fly over. Finally, the alley was blocked by debris. Here you will find two more boxes of bullets, steel pipe, and instructions: Cheryl sketch with the words "To School" on one page.
Now you can wonder around the city and soon you will find that all the way to school has been exhausted. Here is what you do: Go south on Levin St., turn right on Matheson. At the edge of the abyss you have to find more sketchbook pages. It says: "Dog House" and "St Levin." Back to Levin St. and found a home with a dog house in the frontyard. (On the west side of the road.) Review, and you will find the key to the house. Enter the house, collecting things and went to the back door. It's locked, but next door is a map showing the location for the "Keys for Eclipse." After you check the map, the location will be automatically copied to your map.
Okay, let's go to the right corner of the map, until the end of Finney St. You must find a damaged police car. Check the trunk for the first key. There should also be a box of bullets. Now, go into the alley between the Bachman Road and Ellroy Street. In the middle of the aisle will be no gate. Go through it, and inside you'll find a severed dog's head (Yuck), health drinks and the second key. Okay, that last one is on St. Ellroy, as far south as you can go. On the west side of the road, there will be a branch that extends over a ravine a little way. Cross and you will come to a small piece of land with a bloody box. The third key is inside the mailbox. Retrieve and return to the house dog.
Now open the back door and out of step.
Oh no it was getting dark again? Harry wondered.
Take a health drink from the table and went to the back gate. My advice now is to turn off your flashlight so you will not be visible. Take a left and run like hell until you arrive at the main road. Turn right on the street (Matheson), then at the intersection, you can turn right and go all the way north to a few health drinks and ammo, but you will also find two dogs, or head directly left to go to school. You also can get into the school bus for several health drinks. If you get lost check your map, people! Just remember to do it in a safe place so you will not be visible.
Now, you are in school, right? In the first room, take the School Map. Go through the door and into the main room. Go right first. The double doors at the end is locked, but they are next to the hospital. In it there are some health drinks, first aid, and memo pad. Now at the end of the alley you will find a reception desk with three bloody books.
Harry looked down in one book. The first read:
"Alchemy Laboratory"
Gold in the palm of an old man. The future hidden in his hand. Stock water wisely.
Next one word:
"A place with songs and sound"
A silver guidepost untapped in lost tongues. Awakening at the ordained order.
The third gives Harry chills:
"Darkness that brings the heat choke"
Flames make a silence, arouse the animals are hungry. Open the door signaled the time to prey.
Harry shuddered.
This is the first clue to the puzzle next three.
Behind the desk is the door to the staffroom. Inside you'll find a box of bullets and a strange picture on the wall. Now go through the central door to the courtyard. You will meet with some of the zombie children. Three shots will knock them down, then quickly step on or kick them so they will not awaken. Through the next set of doors, more zombies attack you. Take them out ', then go to the middle door. You will find some ammunition and Black Ghost. Do not worry, they can not hurt you. Out of the room, go right. In this hall, Master Room door jam. You can find some ammunition in the bathroom, and opened the door to the main room. Now head upstairs.
You can explore the classroom for ammo and health drinks if you please, but after it's headed Lab Equipment Room. Inside you'll find distilled water and glucose that you can not take, and chemicals that you can.
Take the chemical into Lab Chemistry. There you will find the statue's hand tightly holding the gold objects. Pour in the hands and soluble chemical. Now take the Gold Medal. You can simply go out of the lab and into the next room. Explore the classroom and library, then head down the stairs. Opening the door to the main room and if you want, you can explore the classroom there, too. When you're done go outide to the page and the Tower Clock. If you see it, you'll see the doors locked and the hands stopped at 10:00, like the book. Enter the Gold Medal in the groove on the left side. If you look again you see that the hands are now at 12:00. So you have to find a place with songs and sound. Where else? Music Room.
If you explore you will find the locker room locker pounding. Please, open it. I dare you. After it was over went to the Music Room. You will find a piano with the blood of a button and a poem on the blackboard, written in blood, of course.
It reads:
"A Tale of Birds Without a Voice"
First flew the greedy Pelican, Eager for the reward, Reaching the white wings.
Then came a silent Dove, Flying out of Pelican, As far as he could.
A Raven flies in, Flying higher than the dove, Just to show that he can.
A slide in the Swan, To find a place of peace, In addition to other birds.
Finally out comes a Crow, Coming soon stopped, Yawning and then napping.
Who will point the way, Who will be the key, Who will lead Silver reward.
I already answered this question for many times. I wonder if anyone can figure it out with these instructions: (challenge)
1. The color matches the color of the bird. 2. The birds do not have a voice. 3. Where land bird?
If you still can not find it, then I'll let you know. If you want to find out for yourself, do not read below.
3, 10, 11, 8, 2. Ya happy now?!?
Okay moving along. When played in the right order, Medal Silver fell to the floor. Same drill as with one gold, stick it in the Tower Clock. Today 05:00. Towards the basement, and turn on the boiler with the red light. You will hear a pleasant voice grumbled. Be prepared, things that cause about to get really weird.
Back to the Clock Tower. Take a deep breath of air snowy, you may not breathin 'again for a while. Okay, now go to the Clock Tower ....
Once he stepped inside, Harry began to change his mind. I really do not want to do this, he thought he fell down the stairs. Under the empty bottles that littered the ground, and vague, in the distance, he never Aga sad to hear the sound of sirens. Not anymore! she moaned. Ignoring a warning sign that hung above the door, he started up the stairs in the opposite. Many times he thought, what would I find? Harry opened the door and stepped out.
The first thing he noticed was that the snow turned into rain, and no longer so cold. The second thing he noticed was that he appears to be on the page that had just left. Had I been here before? he wondered. The last thing he noticed was the symbol in the middle of the page. "I do not remember this being here before," he muttered to himself.
Welcome to the School Nightmare. map is the same, but everything is now twisted and evil. school now looks like a torture chamber. Head to the double doors opposite the Clock Tower and in step. The floor has been turned into ugly metal and rusted bars. Want to know what lies beneath? As soon as you step inside, prepare to be attacked by two or three children zombies. After you take them out, go into the double doors in the hallway. In it is a big fan of blood and gore smeared on the knife. On the bench you will find some bullets and first aid. Now go to the warehouse in the hallway. At the table towards the back you have to find a pink rubber ball to take. Now for the hallway. Head left as you exit the warehouse and went to the side door of double doors at the end. Here you will find some giant cockroach, one shot from a pistol and then trample on the good must be complete. Now to the door at the entrance to your right (Still with me?) You should now find yourself in the hall, long and narrow. In the middle of the hall is blocked by the fence. Go to class to go around. zombie the other kids come to you in the first room. In the next one is a large table, where you'll find a picture card lying on top. A picture hmmm ... key. Now get out the door and you should be across the fence. Looking for a health drink in one of the benches. Other blocks banister, but you still can get to the main room. Zombie children abound in this hall, go to the hospital for the health and save space. Back in the main room, you can open the door to a page if you want, then go to the hall entrance.
The floor in the middle of the room was gone, leaving a gaping black abyss. On top of the hole, the corpse was hung from the ceiling along with a mysterious barn. In the corner lay piled wheelchair. A wheelchair in an elementary school?
Get ready for even more zombie brats. After they had been sent, look in a wheelchair for the ampoule. Back in the main room, double doors into the next hallway is locked, so go to the Teacher's Lounge. Remember the ugly painting on the wall here before? Now you're in it. A large stone door with no key or handle exposes you. Whip out the card image you found earlier and slide into the slot. Open sesame. Now go to the bathroom boys' FIRST. There are no shops, except one at the end of the room.
Stall door creaked open and the corpse hanging welcome Harry. He is now almost beside himself with fear. On the chamber floor, however, lay something more convincing. A, sawed-off double barreled shotgun kind of convincing. Harry picked it up and stared in awe. On the wall written in blood cryptic words "Leonard Rhines - The Monster lurking". What does it mean it, Harry wondered.
Meet the ol 'Double Barrel. Now go to the bathroom the girls'. When you leave you suddenly find yourself on the second floor. Go bathroom boys' here for some shotgun and pistol ammunition. Now go back and get out of the bathroom the girls' to return to the first floor. Head into the room and kill the monsters more teachers. Then in the next room, you find a long table with a blue phone on top. Weird. Now go to the door.
One of the phone suddenly rang and Harry nearly jumped out of his skin. With shaking hands, Harry picked up the receiver the phone rings and with a puzzled expression see no wires connecting the phone to the phone, or by phone on the wall for it. He listened quietly for a moment, then extraordinary Cheryl spoke at the end. "Daddy?" he cried in a voice of fear. "Daddy, help me where?!" he pleaded. Harry was very surprised it took minutes to find his voice. "Cheryl!" he cried. But Cheryl's gone with a single click. Then there was a busy tone. Harry crazily thinking of waiting to see whether the service would start talking, but then decided he did not want to know. "Damn!" he shouted, slamming the phone. With newfound determination he left the room.
Exit the room up the stairs to the 3rd floor, roof. You now have access. In one corner of the roof are three interesting points: the valve handle, an exhaust pipe is empty, and another exhaust pipe with inside the key. Looking into the second pipe. You can not reach the button with your hand, you have to think of something else. Remember the pink rubber ball? Enter into a hollow tube. You CHECK second pipe is not it? Now turn the valve handle. Water flows over a rubber ball and wash button useless. Go all the way back to the page to capture it. This will lay next to a pipe out and puddles of water. Now go back upstairs to the second floor. Explore the classroom to the right as you exit the stairs. In the room where the music room, you find more children Zombie (sick of them yet?). Music jam room door, went into the locker room.
Harry stepped into the locker room. Same as before, one of the lockers was pounding, as if something inside wants out. Harry walked to the locker beating, and tapping it. noise stopped and the door creaked open locker. Nothing in, but blood. Harry turned to leave ...
Surprise! Search the corpse for the key and left the locker room. Now get to the hall with chemistry laboratory. Both laboratory and warehouse jammed. Use your button found on the door of the library reserve. Inside was a book. Leonard Rhime's "The Monster lurking." Read it and then go to the library next door. In the library you should find some ammunition and other books.
Hearing this, the hunter, armed with bows and arrows saying "I'll kill a lizard," but after meeting his opponent, he restrained himself, mockingly, "who is afraid of reptiles?" Currently, angry lizard hissed "I'll swallow you in a single bite!" Huge creature attacked, jaws open wide. This is what people want. Calmly drawing his bow, he shot into the lizards gaping mouth. Easy, arrows fly, into the stomach helpless, and fell dead lizard.