Brain drain Riddle Game

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Already Have you ever played a game type like this Riddle? if you've never played before, please read further.

Like its title, "OFF SUSPENDED" this game can make us freeze to death. because this game is not bleak games are usually played by small children normally. Surely it is not easy to solve this game, It takes extra thought and intellect that good to be able to finish and advance to the next level. This game is simple, the site is also simple form. But in this game is not as simple as it looks.

Ok, before immediately heading into the game, should you need to know what you must do in this game. The point is easy, in this game you just add or replace a link to go to the next level. Every page of a certain level, there are key words or instructions to get the "word"used to fill the link and towards the next level. In this game there are more than 150 levels and its level will increase.

click the link below to go directly to the game.
congratulations spinning fun, and hopefully you do not freeze to death like that in telling the above.

Make a Secret Folder

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Make a Secret Folder

Here I will give you tips for creating a personal folder and you can lock the folder with your password (without using the software).

this trick does not need to use special expertise, you only need to use notepad to put the scripts folder.

Here are his tips:

1. Open your Notepad and copy and paste the code below:

title Folder FolderRahasia
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST FolderRahasia goto MDLOCKER

echo Apakah anda ingin mengunci FolderRahasia tersebut ? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Ketik Y atau N.

ren FolderRahasia "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo FolderRahasia Terkunci
goto End

echo Masukkan Password untuk membuka kunci
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== masukkanpassword goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" FolderRahasia
echo FolderRahasia sudah di buka
goto End

echo Password salah
goto end
md FolderRahasia
echo FolderRahasia Sukses di buat
goto End

2. You can replace the words "masukkanpassword" with the password you want.

3. File Save As with the name "Kunci.bat" (Without quotes)

4. Click the file Kunci.bat (He'll make a personal folder with the name "Folder")

5. Click again Kunci.bat file and enter "y" to lock the folder.

6. To open it you can click on the file Kunci.bat back and enter your password.

Good luck.

Tips Accessing Blocked Sites In

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Tips Accessing Blocked Sites In

If you can not access a site because of restricted / blocked by your network administrator or ISP, then the user will have difficulty in accessing sites that are blocked.
Below are some ways that you can try to access blocked sites.

1. Using the IP address
If the application is used only block the domain name only (eg, it can disiasati by using the IP address of the site for google for example:
To find the IP address of a site, we can try to ping to that site. Do I go to command prompt (Start> Run> type: cmd> Enter) and type ping and press enter. Will display the IP address of the site.

2. Using Proxy Browser
There are so many free proxy that you can find on the internet, some sites you can use for free:
Once you select a proxy from the sites above, configure your browser to use the proxy.

3. Using the Short URL Service
Another possible way is to use url shortening services such as:

4. Using the Online Archive and Cache
Some search engines such as Google and Yahoo keep cache of popular sites can still see the contents of the site even though the original has been blocked or deleted though.
Click the link labeled 'cached' then we will be brought to the cached page from a search engine (if stored).

5. Using Anonymizer Service
Using the Anonymizer service, IP address and your other information will not be known by the sites you visit.
Most services like this are paid, but there are some that are still available for free such as:

6. Using Online Translator / Translator Online
Online translation service known as
Simply enter the URL of the site and select the option blocked translation into the language you want (or the same language).

7. Subscribe to RSS Feeds
This trick may not apply to the various sites, but if you want to visit sites that provide RSS syndication feature, (usually news sites and blogs), you can try to subscribe and read it with an RSS / Feed Reader.
Services RSS / Feed Reader that you can use can be a desktop application (Feed Demon, Sharp Reader Feed Reader and), the web browser Firefox, Opera, IE and others, or with an additional extension (InfoRSS, Sage, and NewsFox), and the latter uses an online application (Google Reader and Feed Show).

8. Subscribe Through Email
Best service for the way it is
We can subscribe to our favorite websites via email. You can also subscribe to many sites at once arranged in folders so neat. Every time a web page changes, Web2Mail will automatically send a new page to your email address. You also can arrange anything and when shipped.
There is also a service RSSFWD which will automatically convert the RSS into emails sent to your email account.

9. Using Google Mobile Search
You can also try using the Google mobile search, but usually the results are not optimal.

Web Programming Language

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Web Programming Language

If you like once in making the web, then you will not be apart from what is called a programming language. Programming language is a technique of command / instruction standards to govern the computer.
Here is an explanation of what programming language used to create a website:

1. HTML Programming Language
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to create a web page and displays various information within an Internet browser.
HTML is now an Internet standard defined and controlled its use by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
HTML form tag code that instructs the browser to produce in accordance with the desired appearance.
A file is an HTML file can be opened using a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

2. PHP Programming Language
PHP is a scripting language most widely used today.
PHP was first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. At that time, PHP was still named FI (Form interpreted), that his form in the form of a set of scripts that are used to process form data from the web.
PHP is widely used to create dynamic web sites, although it is possible to use for other usage.
PHP generally runs on the Linux operating system (PHP can also run with hosting windows).

3. ASP Programming Language
ASP stands for Active Server Pages which is one of the web programming language for creating dynamic web pages.
ASP is one of the technology products provided by Microsoft.
ASP is working on a web server and a server side scripting.

4. XML Programming Language
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a versatile markup language recommended by W3C to describe various kinds of data.
XML uses tags such as HTML markup but its use is not limited to view only web pages.
XML is a method for making a bookmark / markup in a document.

5. WML Programming Language
WML stands for Wireless Markup Language, the programming language used in applications based on XML (eXtensible Markup Langauge).
WML is a programming language used in wireless applications.
WML is an analogy of HTML that runs on the wireless protocol.

6. PERL Programming Language
Perl is a programming language for machines with Unix operating systems (SunOS, Linux, BSD, HP-UX), also available for operating systems such as DOS, Windows, PowerPC, BeOS, VMS, EBCDIC, and PocketPC.
PERL is a programming language-like programming language C.

7. CFM Programming Language
Cfm created using ColdFusion tags with Adobe ColdFusion / BlueDragon / Coldfusion Studio.
Syntax-based ColdFusion html.

8. Javascript Programming Language
Javascript is a powerful scripting language that runs on the client side.
JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape.
To run a script written in JavaScript we need a JavaScript-enabled browser is a browser capable of running JavaScript.

9. CSS Programming Language
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to set the display of a document written in markup language.
The most common usage of CSS is to reformat Web pages written in HTML and XHTML.
Nevertheless, his own language can be used for all types of XML documents including SVG and XUL.
CSS specifications set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Convert Files Through Internet

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Convert Files Through Internet

The trick to to convert files online via the internet. A little example, In 2007 Microsoft introduced the Office with a new file format can not be automatically opened by previous versions of Microsoft Word such as Word 97, Word 2000, Word 2002 and Word 2003. This version of Word can not open docx file.
The trick to overcome such problems you can try to convert from docx to doc for the file can be opened in Word 97, Word 2000, Word 2002 and Word 2003.
you would normally use a special softwere to download convert the file, but here I will give a trick to menconvert file without using softwere, but uses the internet. and not only from the file docx to doc wrote, there are various files you can convert online by site-site itself.

Provide a variety of other docx to convert between doc, docx to pdf, pptx to ppt, xlsx to xls and many more.
The results can directly convert your downloaded from the site.

Provide a variety of other docx to convert between doc, docx to pdf, pptx to ppt, xlsx to xls and many more.
Convert results will be sent to your email.

Here not only provides the convert to file the document only, but the site is more complete because it also provides a convert to the format pictures, music and video.
Convert results will be sent to your email.

Here not only provides the convert to file the document only, but the site is more complete because it also provides a convert to the format pictures, music and video.
You can also convert the files available on the website by entering the URL address of the file

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